“The House That Jack Built”-Week Five

The House That Jack Built Second corner

“The House That Jack Built”

Second Corner-Pen & Ink Image


The above Pen & Ink worksheet is the second of the four corners open for suggestions of items to be included in the final painting. Anyone new to the “The House That Jack Built” please scroll back to Monday’s June 16 Post for a description of this current project.


The guidelines for the “House That Jack Built” project:

If you please, just one suggestion per person for each corner, when posted.


At this Second corner, requesting a suggestion of:

Something you notice on Exterior walls of a house


Something you see on the walls/ceiling and though-out a Living room/Study.


At this juncture, I ask that you notice how items were applied to the first corner and consider the types of items you suggest that might lend themselves to the framework layout.

An example: There are no floors, so items that rest on a floor i.e. couch, chairs, etc will not work.

On the flip side,

At the first corner posting, the suggested “Komodo Dragon” was not common to the Porch/Foyer area but I used it in the design of the Kimono hanging on the coat rack. As an artist, I will consider your suggestion and how I might be able to include it into “The House That Jack Built”.


There are only so many things/items that can be selected for inclusion to create an overall balanced final composition, and suggestions will come from different sources (Facebook, WordPress Blog, Google Blog, LinkedIn, etc.), so take no offense if yours is not chosen.


There is no compensation for suggestions used, but I will keep tab of the names offering suggestions directly to my post or to the “Shared” posts. At the end of this project I will “pull a name out of the hat” and send that person a signed/numbered, first edition print of the final painting.


The posting schedule for the project is, as laid out:

Today, July 14; Post the second corner for suggestions of that area

July 21; Intermission. Post a past art image.

July 28; Post the second corner with applied items from suggestions.

Continue the sequence, and end the project with the posting of the completed painting.


Art notes:

All images and text are copyright Craig L Haupt

Postings of “The House That Jack Built” are every Monday Evening.

Postings are made to:

FaceBook: Craig L Haupt, to follow “Like” the “Home Page”

WordPress Blog: http://www.craiglhaupt.com   Sign up to “Follow”

LinkedIn: Craig L Haupt, “invite to connect” to receive posts


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