Art Stuff 76 – Maine and Lots of Museums

Art Stuff  76 – Maine and lots of art museums

First part of the Maine trip was 4 days of driving 900 miles to visit seven art museums. Then two more museums on the drive home. This Episode focuses on those museums and samples of some of the art I viewed. All in one 3 minute 46 second jam packed lots of miles, tolls, and days Maine trip!

Take a peek, do a ‘Like’, ‘Subscribe’ if you can!! Be good wonderful people!!


FB: Craig Haupt

IG: craiglhaupt

Art Show – Sold!

Sold! Yesterdays post about the current YouTube Video (Ep.75) was about the trip. Also part of the video is the Aug. art shows. There was the Highlandtown Sat. Pop-up shows and also I was part of the Overlea Arts Festival.

The video highlights the four painting that sold during those events, I posted one (Expiration Date Blues) Aug. 23. This is another.

Sold: ‘Tea for Two’© Craig L Haupt, oil on board, Thank you!

Craig L Haupt YouTube Ep. 75

Art Stuff Ep. 75

Art Stuff 75 – The Art Trip

Okay, I did lie, this is the ‘really, now I’m really ready’ last video before the ‘I’m getting the stuff to the van’ Trip video!

Final prep of artwork to play with in-between some of that tourist stuff.

And what happened with the 4-Saturday pop-up art shows.

All in one cliff hanger 5 minute video.