12 + 12, 12 x 12’s-‘The Connection’, The Worksheet #21

Project: 12 + 12, 12 x 12’s  #21 of 24

Title-’The Connection’

Second sequenced post, ‘The Worksheet’


I mentioned in last weeks ‘Doodle’ posting that there was a particular design issue confronting me. On ‘doodle’ #1, there were seven receding layers (shapes) that I wanted rework to get just three layers. Shown to the left on this worksheet is that solution. Three layers but I managed to give the appearance of more layers by connecting some of the shapes rather than them all overlapping each other.

Next Monday the ‘Finished Painting’

Image copyright Craig L Haupt


12 + 12, 12 x 12’s-‘The Connection’, The Doodle #21

Project: 12 + 12, 12 x 12’s  #21 of 24

Title-’The Connection’

First sequenced post, ‘The Doodle’.


From the + 12 portion of this project, the ‘Doodles’ for this painting were selected from my sketchbooks by a fellow Art craftsman and good friend, Mac.

Of the three Mac selected, I chose Doodle #1. Two concerns cropped up, one was the receding of multiple layers. Somehow I needed to rework the seven layers to get it to about 3 or 4 receding shapes but still maintain the integrity of the selected ‘Doodle’. Two, also, as in the previous #20 Doodle posting, I realized that I needed an additional selection to make it fit the 12 x 12 inch format. Neither of Mac’s other two choices seemed to work. With that I perused through the Sketchbooks and found Doodle #2.

The results to be seen in the Worksheet.

Next Monday the ‘Worksheet’

Image copyright Craig L Haupt


12 + 12, 12 x 12’s-‘A Leap of Faith’, #20 The Finished Painting

Project: 12 + 12, 12 x 12’s  #20 of 24

Title-’A Leap of Faith’

Third sequenced post, ‘The Finished Painting’.


For all the initial changes in the Doodle and worksheet phrase, this is the end result.

Next Monday the ‘#21, the Doodle’

Image copyright Craig L Haupt


12 + 12, 12 x 12’s-‘A Leap of Faith’, The Worksheet #20

Project: 12 + 12, 12 x 12’s  #20

Title-’A Leap of Faith’

Second sequenced post, ‘The Worksheet’.


Lots of erasing, deleting and replacing a ‘doodle’, and more erasing, and even a little more erasing, to finally get an image on the worksheet I would be satisfied with. Now for transferring the line work onto the Gesso prepped board and making color choices.

Next Monday the ‘Finished Painting’

Image copyright Craig L Haupt


12 + 12, 12 x 12’s-‘A Leap of Faith’, The Doodle #20

Project: 12 + 12, 12 x 12’s  #20

Title-’A Leap of Faith’

First sequenced post, ‘The Doodle’.


From the + 12 portion of this project, these ‘Doodles’ were selected by a fellow artist and good friend, Susan.

A selection of twists and turns. I chose Doodle #1 and realized that I needed an additional selection to make it fit the 12 x 12 inch format. I choose Doodle #2 and rotated it 90 degrees so the side labeled ‘b1’ was positioned to the bottom of the page along with a few alterations. After many attempts to make it work, I dropped Doodle #1, rotated #2 another 90 degrees, so ‘b2’ was now (with additional alteration) towards the bottom of the page. I then added Doodle #3 to the right side of it.

Head spinning yet??

The results to be seen in the Worksheet.

Next Monday the ‘Worksheet’

Image copyright Craig L Haupt