12 + 12, 12 x 12’s-‘Pondering’, The Finished Painting #18

Project: 12 + 12, 12 x 12’s  #18


Third sequenced post, ‘The Finished Painting’.

As I mentioned in the ‘Worksheet’ post, there was a change made to the leaf that prompted the ‘Pondering’ title. In the painting, I switched the leaf from curling/pointing away (depicted in the worksheet) to having it point inward, which is the proper direction of the ‘fingers’ if resting the chin on a hand. I know, picky, picky, but really, a sense of logic must prevail. Lol.

Next Monday, the start of the next Painting in the ‘12 + 12 Project’.


12 + 12, 12 x 12’s-‘Pondering’, The Worksheet #18

Project: 12 + 12, 12 x 12’s  #17


Second sequenced post, ‘The Worksheet’.

As far as I know, I have never thought of a title first and then tried to draw an image to it. Creating the title somehow floats in between the worksheet and the painting phase. For this image, the title was determined by one small leaf.

With the three ‘creatures’ looking at the three ‘flowers’, I opted for trying to determine if there was a distinct emotional narrative between one of the ’flowers’ and its counter part ‘creature’ that could prompt a title. I choose the closest ’flower’ and rested its chin on one of the leaves. Hence ‘Pondering’.

Even though the painting will follow the layout of this worksheet fairly strictly, there is one small change to the painting, and that is to that one particular leaf.

Next Monday the ‘Finished Painting’

Image copyright Craig L Haupt


12 + 12, 12 x 12’s-‘Pondering’, The Doodle #18

Project: 12 + 12, 12 x 12’s  #18


First sequenced post, ‘The Doodle’.


From the + 12 portion of this project, this ‘Doodle’, from 2012, was selected by good friend and fellow artist, Mattye. Mattye selected the ‘Doodle’ circled in red, #1. My first attempts at creating a design for the doodle proved problematic. I made several reasonable attempts and finally decided on one for a worksheet. I even started the painting but indecision persisted and I set it aside. A few months ago, I was working in my current sketchbook and doodled a design that intuitively directed me to add a modified version of Mattye’s selection, shown in Circle #2. This new take on her ‘doodle’ selection seemed to work where all other past attempts left me unsatisfied.

Next Monday the ‘Worksheet’

Image copyright Craig L Haupt