12 + 12, 12 x 12’s-“The Candy Store” Progress Painting

19 Candy Store Progress

Project: 12 + 12, 12 x 12’s by Craig L Haupt #5

Title-“The Candy Store”  Third sequenced post.

Posted is “The Candy Store” painting in progress. After the first undercoat layer and the proceeding layers begin to define detail, two areas of consideration are, one, choosing colors for the four main characters and how they correspond with the chosen colors of the objects surrounding them, i.e. having the red character in front of the green lamppost rather than green on green.  Second, is still the item on the sidewalk the character on the right is concentrating on. I’ve ruled out the initial ‘found’ wallet, tried a purse, and looks like this might be ‘an end of painting’ decision.


The project will be posted in the following sequence, 1st Monday-the sketch/doodle or related source from whence the painting has originated.

The second Monday-the 12”x12” pencil worksheet showing the intended painting.

The third Monday-a progress post of the painting.

The fourth Monday-the finished painting.

Then repeat.


Art notes:

All images are copyright Craig L Haupt

Postings are made to:

FaceBook: Craig L Haupt

WordPress Blog: http://www.craiglhaupt.com


12 + 12, 12 x 12’s-“The Candy Store” Worksheet

18 Candy Store Worksheet

Project: 12 + 12, 12 x 12’s by Craig L Haupt #5

Title-“The Candy Store”  Second sequenced post.

Posted is the 12” x 12” pencil Worksheet to be used for the ‘Candy Store” painting.

This is where I preform a balancing act. Trying to keep the integrity of the basic shapes in the ‘doodle’ and developing a narrative around it. As I mentioned last week, the wallet and the figure, looking at it, to the left in the ’doodle’ sparked the narrative but I’m now questioning the wallet. Painted, I’m not sure the wallet will be recognizable enough. Will keep pondering this. In the worksheet you can also see the change to a more traditional lamppost. Now it’s ‘transferring to canvas’ time and deciding on colors.


The project will be posted in the following sequence, 1st Monday-the sketch/doodle or related source from whence the painting has originated.

The second Monday-the 12”x12” pencil ‘Worksheet’ showing the intended painting.

The third Monday-a ‘Progress’ post of the painting.

The fourth Monday-the ‘Finished’ painting.

Then repeat.


Art notes:

All images are copyright Craig L Haupt

Postings are made to:

FaceBook: Craig L Haupt

WordPress Blog: http://www.craiglhaupt.wordpress.com

Google+: Google+ Craig L Haupt


12 + 12, 12 x 12’s-“The Candy Store”-The Doodle

17 The Candy Store Doddle

Project: 12 + 12, 12 x 12’s by Craig L Haupt #5

Title-“Candy Store”  First sequenced post.


Posted is ‘The Doodle’, from Sketch Book Two, March 2008. The grouping of shapes, Circle number 1, was the main interest for developing a painting. As you can see by the date of conception, it has taken this 12 + 12 project to spur me to work something out. The shape to the right, in Circle number 1, representing a wallet, began the initial narrative but would change as the painting developed. The shape in circle number 2 reminded me of a lamppost with little light rays shining down and would serve to further the narrative. The only problem was, as much as I liked the lamppost shape, it was too close to the other shapes, so I changed to a more traditional lamppost as you will see in the Worksheet Post next week.  .


The project will be posted in the following sequence, 1st Monday-the sketch/doodle or related source from whence the painting has originated.

The second Monday-the 12”x12” pencil ‘Worksheet’ showing the intended painting.

The third Monday-a ‘Progress’ post of the painting.

The fourth Monday-the ‘Finished’ painting.

Then repeat.


Art notes:

All images are copyright Craig L Haupt

Postings are made to:

FaceBook: Craig L Haupt

WordPress Blog: http://www.craiglhaupt.wordpress.com

Google+: Google+ Craig L Haupt